Birthday Wishes for Buzz Aldrin


Dear everyone,

I just sent a birthday greeting to Buzz Aldrin!

On January 20, 2010, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin turns 80 years old.

To honor the man who has contributed so much to space exploration and the world,

The Planetary Society will be presenting him with a giant birthday card – a card with

the good wishes of people from all over the world!

These birthday wishes will be delivered to Buzz

at a party being held in his honor on January 23, so don’t wait!

You can send Buzz Aldrin a birthday message online <<<Please click here>>>





To a wonderful man who has done great things for this wonderful world. Wishing you well on this special day! May all your successors follow in your footsteps. May God watch over you for years to come. Thank you for the great work you have done for our Planet. Happy Birthday Buzz Aldrin, and have a nice day. “

Greeting from Sultanate of Oman>>>, AstrOceanOmy readers & Oman Astronomical Society.

One response to “Birthday Wishes for Buzz Aldrin

  1. Buzz Aldrin 80yrs!! Funny how you remember people as they were at the time of their moment of fame, no matter how much time has passed. A little late but many birthday greetings to this great man. May you live long and be happy!

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